
Mrs. Siham is against time to treat breast cancer

Mrs. Siham is against time to treat breast cancer
  • 816
  • Medical
  • Open
Mrs. Siham, a 72-year-old widow suffering from hypertension and diabetes, lives with her low-income brother and his family in Egypt after they fled from Syria because of the war

He recently had stage II breast cancer and needs to cover the costs of treatment urgently before the tumor spreads and worsens.

The case suffers from the presence of stage two breast cancer and currently needs a biopsy, MRI, ultrasound, and continuous treatment. The patient needs hormonal treatment for 5 years and surgical intervention two months after the start of hormonal therapy and continuous follow-up.
The cost of treatment is 23850 Egyptian pounds
Hurry up to contribute before it's too late
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Paid Amount:
Remaining Amount:
13,250 EGP
44% Paid Amount

Donors Count: 3

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