
Abdul Razzaq suffers from a profound hearing loss

Abdul Razzaq suffers from a profound hearing loss
  • 751
  • Emergency
  • Open
Young man Abdul Razzaq, in the prime of life, a newcomer to Egypt, resides in a shared house. He stopped working due to his health condition; He suffers from a sensorineural hearing loss since birth, and the disease has worsened in the current situation, which has led to a profound hearing loss and is threatened with hearing loss.

Abdul Razzaq needs a cochlear implant according to the medical report (hearing threshold 106 in the right ear, 101 in the left ear) at a cost of 200,000 pounds.

Be specific to him.....
Amount Required


Paid Amount:
Remaining Amount:
200,000 EGP
0% Paid Amount

Donors Count: 0