
Removal of uterine fibers

Removal of uterine fibers
  • 1049
  • Medical
  • Open
A family consisting of 3 members who live a miserable economic life, an elderly mother, the husband is a young man with head cancer who has undergone more than one surgery and continues his treatment through organizations. He used to work in a restaurant as a cleaner, but his health condition prevented him from performing his work. Receive no aid,
And his wife, Mrs. A.A.A., suffers from the presence of fibers in the uterus, which causes her pain and pain, and she needs surgery in order to remove it, at a cost of 7000 L.E
, the family needs you, so be supportive of them in their ordeal and relieve their suffering.


Amount Required


Paid Amount:
Remaining Amount:
7,000 EGP
0% Paid Amount

Donors Count: 0