
Pregnant in the ninth month does not have birth expenses

Pregnant in the ninth month does not have birth expenses
  • 1288
  • Urgent
  • Open
Mrs. N, A, E, from a low-income family who is nine months pregnant and has two days left to give birth by caesarean section due to a special medical condition that needs help with the costs of childbirth.
Her husband is the sole breadwinner for his wife and two children and he's unable to cover all childbirth expenses.
The husband and wife are in a state of anxiety and tension because of the approaching date of birth and their inability to have full expenses

Please help them..
folder 41
File 2007
Decision of the Social Research Committee Minutes No. 49
Amount Required


Paid Amount:
Remaining Amount:
2,000 EGP
60% Paid Amount

Donors Count: 3

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