
Ongoing charity

Ongoing charity
  • 1963
  • Services Campaigns
  • Open
Development without borders

Community service foundations need fixed and durable assets to be able to provide their services to those in need in a sustainable and stable manner
Such as (buildings - service cars - medical and administrative equipment of all kinds, etc.)
This increases the efficiency and quality of its services and reduces the burden of its expenses, which is a direct benefit to society.

Also, many of us would like to give alms and charity funds as part of sustainable projects that are more beneficial in the long run, which makes him feel proud of the value of his contribution to this project and the services he provides such as his plant that he planted with his hand, and he watch it grow and Blooms with the days.

Watan provides good soil for those wishing to cultivate and care their ongoing charity.

contact numbers:
Amount Required


Paid Amount:
Remaining Amount:
1,000,000 EGP
5000 EGP
0% Paid Amount

Donors Count: 0